Author: Susan Barnes

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September 18, 2018

Health, Labor force participation,

Despite the growing number of studies and the increasing availability of detailed data, researchers haven’t developed a consensus on how health affects employment. This is partly explained by the wide variety in datasets (how they are collected, how they measure...

May 1, 2018


The Michigan Retirement Research Center held its annual researcher workshop on March 23 and 24, 2018. As in recent years, we used space at the Ross School of Business, at the University of Michigan. This workshop has only plenary sessions and specializes in short...

April 13, 2018

Older workers, Payroll taxes,

Reprise for Tax Day: Labor supply and payroll taxes With policymakers proposing payroll tax reform with a view to promote the solvency of Social Security and Medicare, the research community has turned to examining whether changes to payroll taxes alone impact labor...

March 7, 2018

Health and Retirement Study, Life-cycle model, O*NET,

The 2018 Winter Newsletter includes brief summaries of findings from a dozen new MRRC working papers. The projects illustrate two principal themes of our research effort: They make in-depth use of up-to-date data sources to test and quantify our understanding of...

February 13, 2018

Health, Health and Retirement Study, Older workers, retirement savings,

  In our last exciting episode, Mike and Mary decided to keep working rather than take early retirement at age 62. They realized that they were behind in their retirement savings goals and likely to live longer than average given their family histories. They’re...

January 15, 2018

Health, Health and Retirement Study, Older workers, retirement savings,

Mary and Mike, known as “M&M” to their friends, turn 62 in 2018 — the earliest age they can retire and claim their Social Security benefits. Mike has worked full-time for 40 years, although he experienced a year of unemployment during the Great Recession. Mary’s...

October 5, 2017


MRRC’s latest newsletter covers the August Retirement Research Consortium meeting in Washington, D.C., additional reading suggestions for meeting topics, and news of our authors’ MRRC-related activities. Read it online here or download the PDF version...

August 23, 2017


Co-hosted by the U.S. Department of Treasury and the Social Security Administration, this event featured four panels of academic, nonprofit, and governmental experts addressing issues surrounding financial preparedness and retirement security. If you missed the...

August 23, 2017


This newsletter covers the annual MRRC workshop, including some upcoming research on cognition and long-term care insurance, as well as researchers’ publications and media sightings. Newsletter Volume 17, Issue 2, is attached in PDF form and available online...

August 23, 2017

Events, News,

Slides for the most of the 2017 presentations are currently posted. More materials, including videos of the meeting, will be shared soon. Thank you to the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College for organizing this year’s event.

August 14, 2017

Long-term care,

More than 65 percent of United States households pay more in payroll taxes than income taxes in a year. Yet, the vast majority of literature on the labor supply changes induced by taxation is derived from changes in income taxes, or an aggregation of payroll and...

July 11, 2017


The forum, “Serving Individuals with Disabilities: Best Practices and the Modern Day Workforce,” will be held on Tuesday, August 1, 2017, 1-3 p.m. EDT. There will be two panels: “Best Practices from Other Disability Programs,” focusing on understanding best practices...

July 3, 2017

Program interaction, retirement savings, Veterans,

As the face of America’s veterans change, policy, too, will adapt. In this 2015 working paper, “Declining Wealth and Work among Male Veterans in the Health and Retirement Study,” by Alan L. Gustman, Thomas L. Steinmeier, and Nahid Tabatabai Data: Health and Retirement...

June 26, 2017

Affordable Care Act, Health reform, Older workers,

Researchers have been curious about how the availability of nonemployer-tied medical insurance offered through health care reform would affect retirement. If new options, such as subsidized nongroup policies and expanded Medicaid coverage, led to shorter work lives,...

June 19, 2017

International, News, Uncategorized,

Designing effective policy to influence household retirement-saving behavior requires a deeper understanding of household motivations for saving and retention of wealth, particularly at older ages. In their 2015 working paper, “Comparing Retirement Wealth Trajectories...

May 17, 2017

News, Uncategorized,

Common sense says that losing a job would have major effects on household budgets. Economic theory says that if a household is adequately insured, through unemployment benefits, savings, home equity, etc., it will be better able to adjust consumption and weather an...