Contact Us
Phone: 734-615-4589
Michigan Retirement and Disability Research Center
University of Michigan
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Room 3026
Institute for Social Research (ISR)
426 Thompson Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48106
Media Inquiries
MRDRC researchers are available to discuss their papers, as well as general topics found on this website, with members of the media. Images of MRDRC’s director, assistant director, and some principal investigators also are available. Please direct inquiries to Susan Barnes via [email protected]
Other Information
MRDRC working papers, research briefs, conference papers and newsletters can be printed directly from the publications section of this web site.
This center is sponsored by a cooperative agreement between the Social Security Administration and the University of Michigan. For a history of the Retirement and Disability Research Centers, see the About us page.