Project Year: 2013

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We propose to mount a Technical Review Panel to provide an academic assessment of the data, assumptions, and methods driving the Pension Insurance Modeling System (PIMS).   The goal of the proposed Technical Review Panel will be to engage top-notch academics who will...
Authors: Olivia S. Mitchell,


This project will make both substantive and methodological contributions to the study of idiosyncratic income risk. Substantively, the project will use a panel dataset on labor earnings from administrative records that has three key advantages: (i) a very large sample...
Authors: Jae Song, Fatih Guvenen,


The present study uses survey data collected in Mexico to examine the previous migration experience and legal status of Mexicans migrating to the US. An understanding of re-immigration rates and the prior US work history of arriving immigrants has the potential to...


We develop a rich model to study the complex interrelationship between health insurance and retirement decisions. The decision to retire depends on a number of factors including availability of health insurance, health shocks, pensions, Social Security, and how...


The objective of this proposed research is to estimate the effect of expectations on consumption. We will use low frequency data on expectations, consumption (spending) and economic resources from the Health and Retirement Study and high frequency data from the...