Prof. Dr. Raimond Maurer currently holds the Chair of Investment, Portfolio Management and Pension Finance at the Finance Department of the Goethe University Frankfurt. His main research interests focus on asset management, insurance, life-time portfolio choice, and pension finance. He received his habilitation, dissertation, as well as diploma in business administration from Mannheim University and has previous working experience in the areas of pensions, insurance, asset management, policy and industry consulting (e.g. EZB, FED, Union Investment, EFAMA, Metzler-Investment) in the field of asset management, insurance and pensions. Dr. Maurer holds several professional positions like at the Member of the Supervisory Board of Union Real Estate Investment, Society of Actuaries (academic chairman of AFIR group), the Association of Certified International Investment Analysts (academic director member of the International Examination Committee), and the Pension Research Council at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (member of advisory board). Dr. Maurer has published five books and more than forty refereed journal articles, including the Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Financial Analysts Journal, Journal of Portfolio Management, Journal of Risk & Insurance, Journal of Banking & Finance, or Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control.
How Would 401(k) ‘Rothification’ Alter Saving, Retirement Security, and Inequality?