Professor Jinkook Lee is research professor of economics, as well as a senior economist and program director of the Center for Economic and Social Research (CESR) at USC. In addition to her positions at USC, she is currently a senior economist at RAND and Professor at Pardee RAND Graduate School. She was previously a a professor at the USC Davis School of Gerontology. Before joining USC, she was a professor at Ohio State University and has held visiting positions at the Federal Reserve Board and University of Wisconsin, Madison. Her research expertise includes economics of aging, family economics, and consumer finances, with particular interests in health, retirement, and well-being of the elderly. Her recent publications focus on education gradients in health and their potential pathways in various policy environments and cultures. She has developed several large-scale, multidisciplinary longitudinal studies and has been a co–principal investigator of the Longitudinal Aging Study in India since its inception. Professor Lee leads the research network of the Health and Retirement Studies around the world and has developed the Survey Meta Data Repository with her colleagues at RAND. She received her Ph.D. in family economics from Ohio State University.
Public Pension Design and Household Retirement Decisions: A Comparison of the United States and Germany