Category: retirement savings

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February 13, 2018

Health, Health and Retirement Study, Older workers, retirement savings,

  In our last exciting episode, Mike and Mary decided to keep working rather than take early retirement at age 62. They realized that they were behind in their retirement savings goals and likely to live longer than average given their family histories. They’re...

January 15, 2018

Health, Health and Retirement Study, Older workers, retirement savings,

Mary and Mike, known as “M&M” to their friends, turn 62 in 2018 — the earliest age they can retire and claim their Social Security benefits. Mike has worked full-time for 40 years, although he experienced a year of unemployment during the Great Recession. Mary’s...

July 3, 2017

Program interaction, retirement savings, Veterans,

As the face of America’s veterans change, policy, too, will adapt. In this 2015 working paper, “Declining Wealth and Work among Male Veterans in the Health and Retirement Study,” by Alan L. Gustman, Thomas L. Steinmeier, and Nahid Tabatabai Data: Health and Retirement...

March 24, 2017

Health, News, retirement savings, Uncategorized,

MRRC researchers John Karl Scholz and Ananth Seshadri recently built a model to look into how health and consumption intertwine, using an Euler equation to examine consumption in relation to utility. In this instance, consumption represents spending and health...