Category: Health and Retirement Study

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March 2, 2022

Health and Retirement Study, Health>Mortality trends, News,

While life expectancy is increasing overall, it hasn’t gone up evenly across all wealth groups: Richer people are living longer, but generally poorer people are not.[1] As income inequality grows, it is possible that mortality gaps will widen as well. This has...

March 7, 2021

Disability, Health and Retirement Study,

In its final workshop of the year, the MRDRC presented “Disability Research with the Health and Retirement Study [HRS]” on September 24, 2020. This was a Zoom event with about 50 participants. An online format removes, of course, the burdens of travel, so we were able...

September 18, 2019

Financial well-being, Health and Retirement Study, retirement savings>IRA withdrawals,

Tax-advantaged savings plans—such as IRAs, Keogh, 401ks—have a significant tax cost. Understanding their roles and effectiveness in retirement funding is crucial to assessing whether their benefits outweigh their price. Until fairly recently, measuring these accounts’...

August 14, 2019

Financial well-being, Health and Retirement Study, retirement savings>IRA withdrawals,

If Michael Hurd, Erik Meijer, Philip Pantoja, and Susann Rohwedder’s “Addition to the RAND HRS Longitudinal Files: IRA Withdrawals in the HRS, 2000-2014” were a home improvement project, the researchers would have put up spacious bookshelves in the Health and...

March 7, 2018

Health and Retirement Study, Life-cycle model, O*NET,

The 2018 Winter Newsletter includes brief summaries of findings from a dozen new MRRC working papers. The projects illustrate two principal themes of our research effort: They make in-depth use of up-to-date data sources to test and quantify our understanding of...

February 13, 2018

Health, Health and Retirement Study, Older workers, retirement savings,

  In our last exciting episode, Mike and Mary decided to keep working rather than take early retirement at age 62. They realized that they were behind in their retirement savings goals and likely to live longer than average given their family histories. They’re...

January 15, 2018

Health, Health and Retirement Study, Older workers, retirement savings,

Mary and Mike, known as “M&M” to their friends, turn 62 in 2018 — the earliest age they can retire and claim their Social Security benefits. Mike has worked full-time for 40 years, although he experienced a year of unemployment during the Great Recession. Mary’s...