Project Year: 2006

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With the approaching retirement of the baby boom cohort and concerns about the solvency of Social Security, there has been growing interest in understanding savings behavior. Being able to characterize the underlying motivation for savings will be important to...


Proposals for private investment of Social Security contributions predict greater individual returns than would arise under the current system, yet much empirical evidence suggests that many individuals do not make sound investment decisions. To address the future...


Changes in social insurance systems affect the ways in which individuals self-insure against undesirable economic outcomes. One’s ability to work is an important means of self-insurance, and, as policy changes to Social Security are considered that might directly or...
Authors: Nicole Maestas,


There is increasing interest among policy makers in measuring well-being in ways that go beyond purely economic indicators, also with special focus on older individuals who constitute an increasing fraction of the population.  However there is little consensus on...
Authors: Susann Rohwedder,