Category: Financial well-being

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September 18, 2019

Financial well-being, Health and Retirement Study, retirement savings>IRA withdrawals,

Tax-advantaged savings plans—such as IRAs, Keogh, 401ks—have a significant tax cost. Understanding their roles and effectiveness in retirement funding is crucial to assessing whether their benefits outweigh their price. Until fairly recently, measuring these accounts’...

August 14, 2019

Financial well-being, Health and Retirement Study, retirement savings>IRA withdrawals,

If Michael Hurd, Erik Meijer, Philip Pantoja, and Susann Rohwedder’s “Addition to the RAND HRS Longitudinal Files: IRA Withdrawals in the HRS, 2000-2014” were a home improvement project, the researchers would have put up spacious bookshelves in the Health and...