Author: Susan Barnes

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April 21, 2017

Health, Health reform, News, Program interaction, Uncategorized,

By age 64, more than half of all workers are retired despite the fact that Medicare doesn’t kick in for most of them until age 65. The decline of employer-sponsored health insurance for retirees means that many people who make such a decision risk being uninsured....

March 24, 2017

Health, News, retirement savings, Uncategorized,

MRRC researchers John Karl Scholz and Ananth Seshadri recently built a model to look into how health and consumption intertwine, using an Euler equation to examine consumption in relation to utility. In this instance, consumption represents spending and health...

November 18, 2016

News, Program interaction,

The existing literatures on Social Security and Medicare explore each of these significant allocations of federal budget in isolation. There has been no work to date on the manner in which these programs interact with one another. Did Social Security Amendment of...

November 18, 2016

News, Uncategorized,

In order to study the hypothetical effects of expanding Medicaid, Mariacristina De Nardi, Eric French, and John Bailey Jones (DFJ) have written a fairly detailed model to study household saving and dissaving (see previous post). To make that possible, they constructed...

November 18, 2016

News, Uncategorized,

There’s some debate in the United States about extending Medicaid to more people. Loosening criteria for means-tested public health care insurance such as Medicaid would allow more people to benefit from health care they may otherwise be unable to afford, but may also...