Institution: Mathematica Policy Research

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June 13, 2018

Dr. Ben-Shalom is a researcher at Mathematica Policy Research, where he works on projects related to disability policy, health insurance, and nutrition policy. He specializes in econometric modeling and applied microeconomics. He is experienced in designing and...

June 13, 2018

Frank Martin (Ph.D., Special Education, University of Texas) is a researcher at Mathematica Policy Research, in the Center for Studying Disability Policy. Dr. Martin’s work primarily focuses on disability policy, vocational rehabilitation, disability disparities,...

June 13, 2018

David Stapleton (Ph.D., Economics, University of Wisconsin) is a senior fellow at Mathematica Policy Research and former director of the Center for Studying Disability Policy at Mathematica.  For the past 17 years, Dr. Stapleton’s work has focused on the impacts of...

June 13, 2018

Dr. Jody Schimmel Hyde is currently a Senior Researcher at Mathematica Policy Research, where she conducts research related to disability and aging policy with an emphasis on employment outcomes.  She is also Deputy Director at the Center for Studying Disability...

June 13, 2018

Purvi Sevak is a senior researcher at Mathematica Policy Research. Dr. Sevak was formerly an associate professor in the Department of Economics at Hunter College at the City University of New York. She received her Ph.D. (2002) and M.A. (1998) degrees in Economics at...