Bridging Employment for Older Workers and the Role of Flexible Scheduling Arrangements

We conduct a series of stated preference experiments to determine the willingness of hiring and human resource managers to pay for certain job attributes. A cross section of U.S. hiring managers were given experimental vignettes about an existing employee or…

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Talking about job skills: Researchers develop a common language

Anu: “I ran a 5k in 37 minutes.” Prasad: “I ate nine muffins as a post-race snack.” Anu and Prasad may be talking about the same 5k race. Or not. It’s hard to tell because they don’t share the same…

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Firm Willingness to Offer Bridge Employment

While there is some research on the prevalence of bridge employment and partial retirement behavior from the worker perspective, we have no evidence about firms’ ability and willingness to accommodate worker demands for job amenities as they transition into retirement.…

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Money isn’t everything—at least for older workers

In 2015, Nicole Maestas, Kathleen J. Mullen, David Powell, Jeffrey Wenger, and Till von Wachtner fielded two surveys. One asked respondents about their working conditions; the second asked about their preferences for certain job characteristics. The nine working conditions were…

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Understanding Job Transitions and Retirement Expectations Using Stated Preferences for Job Characteristics

As the population ages in the United States and other countries, encouraging older individuals to work would help counter increasing dependency ratios and improve national economic outcomes. Extending working lives is likely not simply a function of improving monetary incentives.…

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Laboring longer: Second careers, unretirement, and bridge jobs keep older Americans at work

Brooke Helppie-McFall and Amanda Sonnega’s paper, “Characteristics of Second-career Occupations: A Review and Synthesis,” untangles the differences between career employment, second careers or re-careering, encore careers, bridge employment, and unretirement. The researchers define “second career employment as employment after leaving…

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