Category: Labor force participation

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May 17, 2022

Disability, Disability insurance, Labor force participation, News, O*NET, Occupational Requirements Survey, Second career,

Anu: “I ran a 5k in 37 minutes.” Prasad: “I ate nine muffins as a post-race snack.” Anu and Prasad may be talking about the same 5k race. Or not. It’s hard to tell because they don’t share the same way of talking about racing. This makes it hard to compare their...

March 9, 2020

Health>Mortality trends, Interest Rates, Labor force participation, News, pensions, Retirement, retirement savings>IRA withdrawals, Totalization,

MRDRC published eight working papers in 2019 on topics such as totalization agreements, global interest rate trends, and retirement inequality. Informing projections Interest Rate Trends in a Global Context Dmitriy Stolyarov and Linda Tesar WP 2019-402; UM19-05 Two...

September 18, 2018

Health, Labor force participation,

Despite the growing number of studies and the increasing availability of detailed data, researchers haven’t developed a consensus on how health affects employment. This is partly explained by the wide variety in datasets (how they are collected, how they measure...