Petra Todd

Professor of Economics
University of Pennsylvania

Petra E. Todd (Ph.D University of Chicago , 1996) is Professor of Economics and Director of Undergraduate Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, Department of Economics.  Her publications include Identification of Treatment Effects by Regression Discontinuity Design with Jinyong Hahn and Wilbert Van der Klauww,Econometrica, 2001. Matching as an Econometric Evaluation Estimator: Evidence from Evaluating a Job Training Program? with J. Heckman and H. Ichimura, Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 64(4), October, 1997. Racial Bias in Motor Vehicle Searches: Theory and Evidence with John Knowles and Nicola Persico, Journal of Political Economy , February, 2001. Legal Activism, Private Philanthropy, and the Schooling of Southern Blacks, 1910-1960. with James Heckman and John Donohue, in Quarterly Journal of Economics, February, 2002. and On the Specification and Estimation of the Production Function for Cognitive Achievement with Kenneth I. Wolpin, Economic Journal, Feb., 2003. Her field of interest are Econometrics, Income Distribution, Labor Economics, Law and Economics, Population and Demography