Paul Davies

Subject Area Specialist: Statistics - SSI
Social Security Administration

Paul S. Davies (Ph.D., Economics, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1996) is an economist at the Social Security Administration in the Office of Policy, Office of Research, Evaluation, and Statistics, Division of Policy Evaluation. His research focuses on various aspects of the SSI program, including modeling SSI eligibility and participation; estimating the effects of potential SSI policy changes on eligibility, participation, and poverty among the elderly; and estimating the impact of the 1996 welfare reform legislation on SSI children and immigrants. Dr. Davies also has conducted research on U.S. state-to-state migration and the impact of immigrants on wages and employment in the U.S. Recent publications have appeared in the Social Security Bulletin and the Journal of Regional Science. He has led two major projects related to SSI children: an evaluation of the effects of the 1996 welfare reform legislation on SSI children and the design and implementation of a national survey of SSI children.