Lynn A. Karoly (Ph.D., Economics, Yale University, 1988) is a RAND senior economist and professor at Pardee RAND Graduate School who has conducted national and international research on labor market behavior, child and family well-being, human capital investments, and social welfare policy. Current research is using data from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS), English Longitudinal Study of Aging (ELSA) and the Survey of Health, Assets and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) to examine self-employment and retirement patterns among older workers and the implications for retirement income security. Prior research has examined trends in self-employment among older U.S. workers, the characteristics of older self-employed workers, and the factors associated with transitions to self-employment after age 50. Other recent projects include a synthesis of the research literature examining the impact of welfare reform policies on family and child well-being, as well as a study analyzing the implications of demographic trends, technological change, and globalization for the future U.S. workforce and workplace.
Representativeness of the Low-Income Population in the Health and Retirement Study with Supplementary Analyses for 1991 and 1997