David Blau

Professor of economics
Ohio State University

David Blau obtained his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He a labor and population economist with research interests in the economics of aging and in the economics of the family. He has extensive experience analyzing saving and retirement behavior at older ages, including studies of the dynamics of retirement, joint retirement of married couples, the effect of health insurance on retirement, the effect of recent Social Security policy reforms on retirement, and the effects of pensions on saving and retirement. He is interested in long-run trends in labor force behavior at older ages, the effects of pensions on saving and retirement, the impact of the increase in the Social Security Full Retirement Age on the hazard rates of benefit claiming and labor force exit at age 65, and the impact of household wealth on labor force participation decisions. His research on the family includes many studies of the market for child care. He analyzes the demographic, economic, and policy determinants of the family structure experiences of children, and the impact of family structure on child outcomes.