Axel Börsch-Supan did undergraduate studies in Mathematics and economics in Munich, he received a diploma in Mathematics at the University of Bonn in 1980, and a Ph.D. in economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1984. He was Assistant Professor of Public Policy at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University from 1984 until 1987, then Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Dortmund, Germany. Since 1989 he has been a Professor of Economics at the University of Mannheim, and since 1991, he holds a chair in Macroeconomics and Public Policy. He is also director of the Institute of Economics and Statistics at the University of Mannheim. He has spent the winter of 1991/92 visiting Berkeley, and he was a Fellow of the McKinsey Global Institute, Washington, DC, in 1995/96. Dr. Börsch-Supan is member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, and a member of the Council of Advisors to the Economics Ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany. His research interests include: pension and social security reform; savings and retirement behavior; housing markets; firm growth and corporate governance; structural and frictional unemployment; and nonlinear and panel data econometrics
Saving Regret: Self-assessed Life-cycle Saving Behavior in the U.S. and Singapore