Creating a Public Resource: O*NET Job Characteristics Data Set for Use with the Health and Retirement Study and Other Surveys

Published: 2022
Project ID: UM22-Q1


Creating a public resource of historical occupational information from the O*NET database linked with survey data in the HRS will allow researchers to better inform policy makers about the impact of long-term exposure to different types of tasks or work environments on the ability and willingness of older adults to work longer. This is relevant to informing potential behavioral responses and other effects of potential SSA policy changes such as increasing the age of eligibility for OASI. With a growing need to understand how individuals within the same work environments experience different outcomes, particularly among those from under-represented groups (e.g., racial and ethnic minorities), pairing O*NET data with HRS data has important implications for scientific advances that can promote more equitable work environments.

This project will complete the documentation report of the data set linking 2019 O*NET measures to the 2010 Census occupation code frame; link 2019 O*NET-Census 2010 data set to HRS occupations from 2010 forward; write documentation report of the data set linking 2019 O*NET measures to the HRS occupation data from 2010 forward for the HRS website; and conduct validation and quality control analyses.
