Category: Announcements

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November 19, 2024


The December Zoom workshop expanded on the MRDRC’s November UAS workshop, emphasizing the types of research topics that can be developed using the data set. Slides are also available. The event discussed UAS data useful in exploring broad topics such as disability,...

November 7, 2024

Announcements, Events, Uncategorized, Understanding America Survey,

The Zoom workshop was recorded and offers an overview of the University of Southern California’s UAS, a next-generation, probability-based population survey research platform often used in MRDRC-funded research. UAS Director Arie Kapetyn and USC economist Marco...

June 27, 2024

Announcements, Uncategorized,

The 2024 Retirement and Disability Research Consortium Meeting took place August 7-9, 2024, at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. If you missed the event, slides, conference papers, and video for the three days are posted on Boston College’s Center for...