?> 2010 – Publication Years – MRDRC

The Effects of Medicaid and Medicare Reforms on the Elderly’s Savings and Medical Expenditures

We study a model in which retired single people optimally choose consumption, medical spending and saving while facing uncertainty about their health, lifespan and medical needs. This uncertainty is partially offset by insurance provided by the government and private institutions.…

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Personality, Lifetime Earnings, and Retirement Wealth

Studies of adolescents and young adults have shown that schooling impacts economic outcomes beyond its impact on cognitive ability. Research has also shown that the personality trait of conscientiousness predicts health outcomes, academic outcomes, and divorce. Using the Big Five…

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Geographic Dispersion and the Well-being of the Elderly

Perhaps the largest problem confronting our aging population is the rising cost of health care, particularly the costs borne by Medicare and Medicaid. A chief component of this expense is long-term care. Much of this care for an unmarried (mostly…

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The Effect of the Risk of Out-of-Pocket Spending for Health Care on Economic Preparation for Retirement

After retirement, the primary sources of uncertainty with respect to an individual’s economic status are longevity, investment outcomes and out-of-pocket spending on health care. In previous work, we estimated economic preparation for retirement, taking into account the risk of living…

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The Effects of the Economic Crisis on the Older Population

We study the effects of the 2007-2009 recession on the population age 55 and older. Households in and near retirement have suffered sizeable losses in assets as a result of the economic crisis. There are a number of ways in…

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